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WE the people. That’s YOU, right?
Lisa Vanderburg

WE the people. That’s YOU, right?

This is for the PUBLIC. Those that don't have experience of Parkinson's. My aim is simple: education.
No offence, M J Fox. We all know what a responsible, pro-active figure-head you are for Parkinson's; and we who have Parkinson's, are family, carers or otherwise involved with PD (Parkinson's) are so very grateful!
I talked to probably thousands of people by now, and their understanding of PD has generally not changed in the last 15 years - the time of my husband's diagnosis. Why. Well, in part, it's our own collective fault. We're so busy putting a good 'spin' on it, basically to make other PDers feel better and keep hope alive. Lovely, noble, but it's not helping in raising awareness at the sheer devastation left in the wake of this disease. It doesn't serve us fiscally either. If the average person knows so little - worst - sees it as I've quoted below, they're not going to be giving the monies needed towards a cure.
But (certainly in my experience), I am more than concerned at just how little the public really know about PD. It's still 'oh, that's a shake, yeah'? or 'right...old dudes get it, no'?
Now, to be clear, it's not your fault you know so little about this disease. There's so much info on all things out there. There's also more 'interesting' disease, or newer disease....head-liner disease. PD has been around for donkey's years.
So today, that's my aim: telling it as it is. No-holes barred, for the PUBLIC. And all I want from YOU – the PUBLIC? Half an hour of your time, that’s it. In fact, I’ll split it into two (or maybe 3) parts so I don’t take up too much of your time, because I KNOW you’re busy and have a heap of other burdens to bear. I appeal to you to just stay with me awhile.
Okay. PD is the second most common Neuro-degenerative disease (Alzheimer's being first). Pretty sure you all know what neuro-degenerative means, but just in case; it means that it runs a course - evolves, if you like. Like Alzheimer's, it'll only end with death. Whoa - that's a pretty horrible statement, huh? What I mean is, only death will stop its path. As M J Fox rightly said, 'ultimately, it's all about stillness'. To me - the most scariest sentence I ever heard. So much for a mere 'tremor'.
Before Levadopa in the 1950's (the chemical replacement for dopamine; it's what the body stops producing in PD patients), PD was basically a 20-year life-sentence.
PD is getting younger and younger. I've met people diagnosed in their teens - that's terrifying. And its prevalence is increasing at an alarming rate. According to WHO, and pretty much every other Parkinson's Body, 'the number of Parkinson's disease patients will increase from 4.1 million in 2005 to 8.7 million in 2030' (courtesy of Statista). So the chances are, if you don't know about PD now, you probably future.
Next time, I get more graphic with you. Tell you more about the nasty nature of this perverse beastie. Meanwhile, I shall leave you with a little video to look at - hoping to God you're still interested! I'll keep them SHORT - promise!! pre-levadopa, 1.45 Analysis on different types of Parkinson's Disease 2.57 26 years at dx. Unconditional Love: watch 1.36


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