Parkinson's: our 4-year shot The World Parkinson Coalition (WPC) is holding their 4th World Parkinson Congress in Portland, Oregon September 20-23rd NEXT YEAR, 2016 . They've dropped the last 's' after Parkinson's - fair enough....annoying anyway. Here's their site: http://www.worldpdcoalition.org/ Here's their podcasts: http://www.worldpdcoalition.org/?page=PortlandCountdown I've heard the first podcast already. It was 30 minutes (approx), fascinating and well presented. DBS was alluded to, but not addressed. If you scroll down on the lower link, you'll see why. What was addresses was the rather sad confession that after about 50 years, there's presently no other pharmaceutical alternative than L-Dopa. Sucks, considering. But there's a lot of excitement and hope...... The thing with the WPC is it's really the motherlode of hope for PD ( Parkinson's ...(sigh) - do get told off for using acronyms, even though I ALW...