
Showing posts from 2014

VIDEO Parkinson's DBS & Pete: the 25-year battery of a Boston Scientific Verci...


PARKINSON'S & DBS: The Ground Realities

Image Almost titled it ‘The Grave, Ground Realities’, but as my husband said, some words just shouldn’t be put together…… This is the most important and final addition...probably: it’s for the PATIENT and their families. That is my hope and my sole raison d'être. I do have an axe to grind, but with no one specific, and I don’t ‘make’ anything from this. (Actually…does a Boston Scientific pen count?? ‘Cos mine’s broke.) In fact, doing this has prevented me from making any money, so I hope that helps in what I said above: It’s for the PATIENT . Why? Because if you don’t know; you can have a voice. First, let's address all the many, many PD Foundation, Association, Group etc.: I salute them – all that they do is noble, wonderful and worthy. The peeps that run them are right up there with the angels (but their job is harder...can't just take off when they feel like it). Their fight for YOU is nothing short of pure altruism. Millions volu...

Parkinson's and DBS: the skinny

This post is for Parkinson's patients, family, carers, or anyone who knows someone with the disease. My husband, Pete, is into his 15th year. In 2012 things had begun to unravel - he'd reached the end of his 'honeymoon' period with his meds, and was in a pretty awful state. Thankfully, he was eligible for DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) and happened to be offered the new system from Boston Scientific. This was done under the absolutely amazing Neuroscience department of Frenchay hospital in Bristol. We've not looked back; so profound was the change. We owe a great debt of thanks to Dr. Whone and Prof. Gill, and of course Boston Scientific. Over the next two years, I became very curious about the whole DBS thing for PD patients, and with Boston Scientific well under way now in the US to get FDA approval, I wrote a three part paper for those that will be facing this huge - and hurried - decision. I hope it helps! All facts have been checked and I have my sources secure...