WHY the SBMT Congress matters to Neurodegenerative

The 15th Annual World Congress for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics will take place this April; the same month as we'll drag poor ol' James Parkinson up. I love my husband, but I hate his disease; Parkinson's. This ‘parasite’ that each day strips another wire in his circuitry to paralyze or topple him, yanks his muscles in ways they’re not designed to go; crushing and racking his spine in agony. It curses his dreams if he ever can sleep & robs him of any last shred of dignity. When he breathes his last, it will be with relief; I can’t blame him. I cannot imagine how he'd be now without his DBS of 2012...too awful to contemplate. Love is not enough, so I’m an ACTIVIST not an advocate and, we need to seriously collaborate. A little over a year ago, I published Listen to the Man! That 'man' being Dr. Babak Kateb, Founding Chairman and CEO of the prestigious SBMT and Brain Mapping Foundation. Through the PD community there was a mixed reaction. Benjam...